"The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation of Personal Data Protection (GKPD 2016/679), any more specific national and European legislation for certain areas, the current Greek legislation for the protection of personal data, as well as the protection of personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (Law 3471/2006, as applicable) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (APDP) "
Our company recognizes both the importance of securing users' personal data and establishing a sense of security for their transactions, as well as the need to apply the most modern, advanced and proven reliable methods and practices to ensure the quality and security of transactions. especially finance, through the online store
For these reasons, the online store uses the SSL-128 bits encryption technology, which is the most reliable and widespread player for the security of transactions via the Internet (secure data transfer), worldwide. Based on this technology, any information entered by users in the online store is encrypted and then the authenticity of the message and the server is investigated.
From the beginning to the end of the connection of the respective users with the online store, all the information and the personal data of the latter are encrypted according to the above mentioned SSL 128 bit encryption protocol, through which the personal information is encrypted and decrypted securely, with the use of a relevant key.
All information sent to the online store is encrypted and stored with absolute security.
The possibility to execute any transaction with the online store is granted after the registration of users in the store and their entry in it, using the Login Code (Username) and the Personal Security Code (Password), which is recommended to changes, for security reasons and to remove the possibility of using the same password with a different user, at regular intervals.
Also conciliation with the online store can be done without the need to register if the user does not want to create an account (In this case, however, the user will not be able to see the progress of his order as well as the history of his orders in the future). The details of the users (name, surname, email address, home address, contact telephones, etc.) and these transactions with the online store are considered and managed as confidential and are not disclosed to third parties, except to those authorized employees of the "Company" involved. in processing the transaction.
It becomes clear that based on article 12 and 13 of Law 2472/1997, the right of access and objection is notified, according to which the user reserves the right to know if personal data concerning him are or have been processed, with the submit a relevant application to the "Company", as well as to raise objections at any time for the processing of the data concerning him. It becomes clear that our company undertakes not to disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless a written power of attorney is filed against it, or this is required by a court decision or decision of another public Authority, in which based on the provisions comply.
This online store may collect non-personally identifiable user information using appropriate technologies, such as cookies and / or protocol address tracking and the like, resulting from the communication of the web browser with the server. ).
Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive of each user / visitor and do not take knowledge of any document or file from his computer, nor do they lead to the identification of his computer with any person. They are used to facilitate the access of the user / visitor regarding the use of specific services and / or pages of the online store, such as the function of memorizing the defined by customers as "favorite products". Non-personal information may also include the type of web browser the user / visitor is using, the type of computer, its operating system, the ISP, and other such information.
The user / visitor of this online store can set his program for navigation and web browsing (web browser) in such a way that either warns him about the use of "cookies" in specific services, or does not allow the acceptance of use " cookies ”in no case. In this case, the function of memorizing the history of "Favorite Products" ceases to exist.
The collection of all data that fall into the category of personal data received by, which are either sent by users on a case-by-case basis or collected during the navigation - browsing and use of the website by users, is carried out in accordance with Law 2472/1997 (with the amendments of Law 3625/2007) and Law 3471/2006 for the protection of personal data.